Workshop with horses – horse therapy Tina Dobrlet My Value: We call L'équithérapie a medical supplement that uses the horse as a therapeutic partner in order to achieve goals set according to the specialty of the therapist.Equithapy is essentially an activity with the horses. It is important to learn the functioning of the animal and [...]
Dramatização para inter-relações positivas Luísa Caldas My Value: Considering that I was working in a school I would say that the values I wanted to work with were friendship and community, since the material of my activities was the relationships developed between the students The goal of the project: The development of this workshop was [...]
Values of Life with British Drama by Marta Marczak My Value: Value of life. The goal was to create workshops for people who don't have time to think about where they are, what they want and where they want to be? We can live only once and there is no chance to travel in time [...]
Construction of a symbolic object, communication by values by Ana Catarina Moreira da Fonseca My Value (on which the project is based with some short description): This project was about the individuality of each student. It was a way of introduce themselves in the class, to the other students and the teachers around. The goal [...]
``In Touch`` British Drama Workshops by Anna Brymora My Value: It was hard for me to chose which value was the most important from our Polish workshop. In the end I was left with two: community and balance. Both of them seem to be intertwined with one another and we got to explore both through [...]
British Drama Workshop by Nastja Merc & Mateja Rozman Amon In Adult Education Centre Radovljica we made exercises that we have learned in Poland. We worked with a group of youth from PLYA programme (Project learning for young adults). This programme is for youngsters aged from 15 to 25 who dropped out of school and [...]
Being without prejudices by Dorottya Kontó My Value: My own value that inspired this social project is being without prejudices, and to work for decrease prejudice in Hungary, primarily with young people. In Hungary today young people (and not only young people) have a lot of prejudices against their fellow humans with regards to skin [...]
VIA-ME Social Project by Eszter Horváth My Value: I wanted to work with the questions that are important in my life, and in my experience, in other people’s life as well, and I find it important to talk about these questions. I think that the value systems we receive from our family define our life [...]
Help in solving problems of other NGOs in Hungary Gábor Fehér My value: My value is to help others – not only to directly help individuals, but society in general. As someone who works at an NGO, and for NGOs, it is important for me to contribute to society, and also, to use my knowledge [...]