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Creative Collaborative Approach


CCA is based on a deep curatorial process, which allows creative artists to be invited to projects developed in site-specific contexts, participatory, community and educationally oriented, forming bridges, facilitating, integrating and monitoring them throughout their process of work with local audiences.

Objectives / Our values:

  • to promote collaborative methodology
  • to activate public participation
  • to promote interculturality and to reduce social discrimination and exclusion
  • to activate creative processes towards a deeper sense of humanism and citizenship

Areas of work

  • Creativity
  • Cartography
  • Identity
  • Art Practice

Every one of the declared values is present in all of the activities. Each of the proposed activities may focus on one of more areas of work and combine one or more aspects of different methods


Guidelines to create a project

+ identify a community you want to work with

+ identify an issue within that community: the need for artistic or visual education, race or interpersonal relations, geographical disconnections, urban problems, etc.

+ identify the areas with which you want to work

Areas of work

+ Creativityconceptual: relate known situations with potential ones / visual: expand what is seen / material: manipulate objects and materials

+ Cartographypositioning: relate with environment / expressing: register movements through places / sharing: cross routes with others

+ Identitygroup /individual dynamics: identify ego states and address conflicts / positioning finding: who + where + how / engaging: identify a common ground and inter-cultural issues

+ Art Practicematerial: produce drawings and visual registers of every process / performative: engage with bodily actions to express the experiences




While looking at creativity from a systemic perspective, as a complement to its subjective dimensions, this method intends to focus the creative process applied to the art and design project. From the concept, to the idea, to the form, the approached methodologies and objective tools from the design thinking process are explored. The tasks may appear as key points and useful tools to the creative work, developed individually and collaboratively, demystifying that creative thinking and process are activities made only by and for artists or designers.


Learning by Design is a pedagogical methodology that presents an inclusive approach to learners diversity, by building into the school curriculum the idea that not every learner will bring the same lifeworld experiences and interests to learning. The methodology presents some innovative views on the process of teaching subjects and specific tools – the placemat – that can be transferred to the extracurricular context, in the case of this activity, to the planning of artistic and collaborative exercises.