by Ana Dobnikar
My Value (on which the project is based with some short description):
My value is respect. Respect is a value based on the belief that every human being is valuable and important. And nowadays this value is often ignored. I also work in a dance club, where I have noticed that this value among the team is ignored. This is then reflected in the work with young people and adults.
The goal of the project:
The goal of my project was to show to the team of the dance club, that we are in constant interaction with others. And that we must respect each other, because without a culture of mutual respect for all, we will not come together as a team. To achieve this goal I used a chapter Strokes from training on Transactional analysis in youth work. Strokes are necessity and we all need them to survive.
Method(s) used:
Transactional analyisis (chapter Strokes) – explanation of the chapter, discussion in the whole group, DIY method (making warm fuzzies), evaluation of the project
My thoughts, emotions, conclusions
First we discussed in the group about strokes and what is for them a stroke. I prepared a presentation about this theme with discussion, because I wanted to encourage them to express their opinion. At the end I read them a fairytale and then everyone made his own warm fuzzy. During the project I noticed that the team members have very different views and opinions about strokes. I think that through my presentation and discussions among the members, everyone has gained some new knowledge or at least began to think about the strokes they give. At the end, when we were making warm fuzzies, we had time for socializing, relaxing and conversation. I think that in this way (with socializing) the team will be more connected, which will lead to greater respect of each other.